National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Artifacts of the X–XII centuries discovered by scientists of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus at the archaeological complex on the Mienka River

According to Vadim Lakiza, Director of the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, on April 12 and 20, archaeologists of the Institute of History conducted instrumental surveys of the territory of settlement 1, which is part of the archaeological complex on the Mienka River (village of Garadzishcha, Minsk district).

As a result of these studies, archaeologists discovered artifacts from the X–XII centuries: weight pieces, seals, elements of a waist headset, women's breast and head jewelry, a fragment of a silver dirhem, a key to the interior lock, etc. According to scientists, these findings complement our knowledge of the early stage of the archaeological complex outside the territory of the settlement, indicate a developed trade and the presence of representatives with a high social status in the settlement.

All research work is carried out by specialists in compliance with the methodology of fixing the identified artifacts under the guidance of the head of the Department of the Institute of History Andrey Voitekhovich. The scientist has been purposefully studying this historical and cultural object for many years, where large-scale excavations with the broad participation of students and volunteers will take place in 2023.